How Much Do Dental Implants in Kent Cost?

April 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — kentfamily @ 1:15 am

dental implant and molarsDespite several advancements in dentistry to preserve natural teeth, tooth loss is still a prevalent problem in the United States. In fact, it is estimated that 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. If you have found yourself among those who have an incomplete smile, you have heard about the benefits of dental implants in Kent. As a predictable and reliable option to replace missing teeth, you are ready to shop for the best deal; however, you should not focus on the price. To make a true investment in your smile, there are other factors to consider other than their cost.

Are Dentures in Kent Right for Me?

July 26, 2017

Filed under: Restorative Dentistry — Tags: — kentfamily @ 10:37 pm

Dentures and dental mirrorYour teeth are designed to last for a lifetime; however, despite your best efforts, tooth loss can still occur. In fact, it is estimated that 120 million adults in the United States are missing at least one while another 36 million are missing a full arch. With each one playing a vital role in your oral health and functions, you must replace your missing teeth. Often, many turn to dentures in Kent to regain a complete, confident smile because they are affordable and convenient. Although they are effective, they may not be the right option for you. At Kent Dental Clinic, we offer the tooth replacement solutions that best meet your needs.